These are the best workout routines for beginners.

So if you want to:

  • Build real muscle.
  • Begin your training based on your level.
  • And become stronger than you've ever been.

Then you’ll love these 14 calisthenics beginner routines for Bar Brothers.

Let’s get started.


Chapter 1

Full Body Routines

Chapter 2

Upper Body Routines

Chapter 3

Leg Routines

Chapter 4

Cardio Routines

Chapter 5

Ab Routine

Chapter 6

7 day workout plans for bar brother beginners


Preparing For Your Calisthenics Training


It doesn't matter if you are beginning your calisthenics journey... home, at a park or in the gym...

When it comes to body weight training, your body is the BIGGEST tool.

But somehow a lot of beginners are afraid they will not build muscle. 

Afraid that they NEED weights.

For example, a quick look at Reddit shows that most people are surprised that calisthenics training can build muscle:

And it's not the only place where people are afraid they will NOT get any results.

The same questions are asked on Quora:

So just to quickly remove your doubts...

...which you most likely will have as a beginner.

According to the well-respected Journal for Strength and Conditioning, calisthenics push-up training can increase muscle thickness and strength similar to weight training.


"YES, you can build muscle with calisthenics."

Which also means you can get injured if you start too heavy.  

Jumping into any of these routines can lead to pretty sore muscles.

(Which is a mistake we made back in the day.)

Instead, make sure:

Sorry about that, I know you came for the routines.

But I'm responsible for making sure you don't get injured.

So you can still do and enjoy calisthenics 10+ years from now.

Hopefully until you are old and grey.

(That is, if you aren't yet.)

Chapter 1: 

Full Body Routines


Being a beginner doesn't mean that you shouldn't work hard.

But it means that you should work SMART.

Going from sitting on a couch or behind a computer to actually doing muscle ups is like shifting from riding your bike with training wheels to jumping into a racing car.


That's something you wouldn't recommend to any beginner.

Would you?

Let's take a good look at the routines first and design a plan that allows you to slowly transition from training wheels to racing speed.


The Routines

For beginners who are looking for a good schedule

Full Calisthenic Routine

Bar Brothers Six Pack Calisthenic routine

Calisthenic full body routine


Chapter 2: 

Upper Body Routines


A big chest shows POWER.

But you need to balance it out. 

Looks matter, but what matters more is staying injury free...

...if you can stay injury free those looks will be a by-product. 

Let's jump into some routines that will give you a crazy pump. 


The Routines

Body Weight workout plan

Calisthenics Chest Routine

Calisthenic chest routine

body weigth triceps routine

body weight back routine


Chapter 3: 

Leg Routine

You can still HAMMER your legs with calisthenics.


By changing the angles, using one leg instead of two or by increasing the amount of repetitions.

It takes a bit more creative thinking, but there are many ways to Rome...

..or strong legs.

Let's check out the routine. 


The Routine


Chapter 4: 

Cardio Routines

Cardio alone will not make you lose weight.

You need to combine diet AND exercise. 

Or as a funny Bar Brother once told me:

"You cannot outrun a bad fork."

However when you combine good food with good training, the possibilities are ENDLESS.


The Routines


Calisthenics Workout Plan

Calisthenics Workout plan for women

Chapter 5: 

Ab Routine

If you train your abs.

DON'T forget to train your lower back.

Beginners forget that visible abs are great, but they need to be balanced out with a strong lower back too. 

Again, a combination of both sides.

With that in mind, let's try out the ab routine. 


The Routine

Calisthenics workout routine abs

Chapter 6: 

7 Day Workout Plans For Bar Brother Beginners

So what do you need to do now?

You have the routines.

But I'm sure you'd like to know when to use what routine and how to use them in a balanced way.

I've written a few 7 day plans based upon what you believe your current level of strength is right now.


But first a few questions:

Is this your first time starting calisthenics? Start at level 1.

Have you done Bar Brother training before? Start at level 2.

Have you done this type of workout before? And do you have an active life in general? Start at level 3.

Have you done this before? Do you have an active life? Are you crazy? Start at level 4.


In all honesty, I'd rather have you be a little conservative in your choice and feel like you could have done more after your first workout.

Than to have you lay on bed for the entire day, because you are completely destroyed.

As with everything, too much of a good thing can also be a bad thing.

It's all about the right dosages.

Don't be afraid to be a 'Rookie' or a 'Beginner', before you become a 'Master' or a 'Beast'.


Level 1: Bar Brother Rookie


You are new to this calisthenics thing.

You want to be a Bar Brother, but aren't sure yet about how to start.

You need a simple plan to begin in a safe and well constructed way.

You are willing and realize that training at least 3 days a week is necessary to make consistent progress.




No equipment




Leg Routine




Let's Go





Level 2: Bar Brother Beginner


You are just getting started, but want to challenge yourself with a bit of intensity.

Your rate of recovery requires you to have rest days in between workouts.

Motivation comes quite easily, but you need a bit of a jump start every now and then.

An extra day of cardio will help your overall recovery of the past week.

Keep in mind that on your body still needs time to adapt.




No equipment




Leg Routine




Let's Go


Fat Removal



Level 3: Bar Brother Master


You are beyond the level of a beginner, who has just dipped his feet into the water for the first time.

You are ready to jump in and submerge yourself into calisthenics.

You will need less rest, because the recovery rate of your body is significantly higher than that of a beginner due to a history of training.

6 days of training followed by 1 day of rest.




No equipment


Leg Routine


Let's Go


Leg Routine


Let's Go


Fat Removal



Level 4: Bar Brother BEAST


You don't make any concessions when it comes to training.

You like to lean beyond your edge and your friends probably think you are nuts for doing so.

You have a high drive and don't need to be motivated.

This plan will suit you well.

Just make sure you focus on your recovery.

Proper sleep for calisthenics and high quality calisthenics nutrition are essential.

6 days of hardcore training followed by 1 day of deep rest.




No Equipment


Let's Go + Leg Routine


Fat Removal


Let's Go + Leg Routine


No Equipment


Let's Go + Leg Routine



Bonus: Bar Brother Video Routines

While these routines and the subsequent plans are great, feel free to customize them to your own specific needs.

Want to use a certain routine instead of another?

Go for it!

View this plan as a blueprint of a house.

Stick to the foundation, but what you put into the house is up to you.

Beyond these 7 days you can transition into:



Be A Beginner With A Plan


You have a goal.

What do you think you need to have to make that goal a reality?

Riding your 'bike with training wheels' won't cut it.

You've tried and you know, that's why you came to this post in the first place.


Throw away the 'training wheels'.  Start using a plan.

A plan with routines that are customized to your personal needs.

A plan that maintains its quality for longer than a day.

A plan that takes time to come to completion, but once completed leads to a complete transformation.

From plan to reality, it takes 6 months to build a Rolls Royce and only 13 hours to build a Toyota.

What plan would you rather have?


*Fist bump*


Now I’d like to hear from you:

Are you going to try any of these 14 routines?

Or maybe you have a question.

Either way, make sure you get your download and leave a quick comment below right now.


PS. Special thanks to for the high quality routines.

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    1. Hey Ahjussi,

      Welcome to the movement!

      Yes, a good running session before your training will definitely help in developing your overall physical condition in addition to being beneficial to burning fat!

      Definitely recommendable to do it before your workout.

      Beast mode ON!

  1. Hello.

    I have a question about the suitability of the Bar Brothers system for me.

    I have been doing bodyweight training for some time. I am not in a great shape, but not a beginner, either. My main problem with pull ups is that I am a big guy (an endomorph, about 195 cm and weighting some 115 kilos), so pull ups are very hard for me to do. The system seems to be marketed mainly to ectomorphs who have a hard time gaining muscle mass, but is it a good choice for someone who has the opposite problem? I can do only few pull ups, which seem to be the major excercise in the system.


    1. Hey Seppo,

      Welcome to the movement!

      Great job on getting started! The system is suitable for any type of body, endo, ecto or meso.

      It covers your entire body, so don’t worry about it only focussing on pull ups. You’ll get a wide range of exercises

      In your case, focusing on your diet is definitely recommendable in addition to strength and muscle gains. Which will probably be easier for you.

      Beast mode ON!

      1. Thanks for the answer. One more question, though:

        At home, I have a doorframe pull up bar where I can do pull ups with bent legs but not real, legs straight hanging pull ups, or muscle ups. I don´t have a place to do dips, either. If necessary, I can go to a gym to do dips and muscle ups when I get to that point, but I would prefer working out at home. I don´t know any place that has olympic style paraller bars that are seen in several of the videos, if those are required in the program.

        Are these equipment necessary, or are there substitute excercises for those that don´t have access to some of the equipment?

        Thanks again.

  2. i need the motivation to do things like this but i don’t know where to start. i like abs and arm work outs but im busy with school basket ball and work.

  3. Hi there,

    I’ve just been training home for some time now with weights just to keep in shape. I am a tennis teacher after all, so good shape is key not only for performing my job but also for “selling” my job, if you know what I mean. It’s easier to trust a teacher who is not out of form. So i’ve been training at home 3-4 times a week doing 4×10 wide pull ups and some ab exercises, plus 20 sets of mixed chest / arms / shoulders / legs / back, one or two big groups at a time per day. Though I would say I’m fine with my body even if I eat mostly whatever I want, I’m tired of this. I’d like to radically change my routines and since I’ve started to travel a lot again, I need something to do with whatever equipment is around. No more weightlifting, no more dumbells.

    I just fell in love with the calisthenics system. I don’t know if it works for me or, since I would say I’m not a total fitness begginner, where should I start. I don’t know where this would take me, but I’m ready to try it out for the next six months, 4 times a week minimum.

    Any advice? Thx in advance.


    1. Hey Motenai,

      I completely understand ‘the walk the talk part’ ;). You can’t teach what you don’t apply yourself.

      I can highly recommend you to start off with the 7 days of beast mode course, it will give you the basics and will improve your understanding of natural, no weight muscle growth and overall health. Make sure you read the e-book too, and the free diet plan. It will give you some more information to start off with.

      In addition to that, it will allow you to transition into the first month of the 6 month plan with ease.

      Find it here

      If you have any other questions, ASK!

      Beast mode ON!

  4. hej barbrothers jeg er en 13 årig dreng fra danmark der har trænet i næsten 1 år men efter at have set jeres videoer og set jeres resultat vil jeg gerne lave mit træningsprogram om og spise mere ordenligt men jeg ved bare ikke hvor jeg skal starte. kan i hjælpe?

    1. i am a boy from denmark. i am 13 years old and have make workout in 1 year now. i play handball. i want to work more then i do now and work with more bar and get bigger arms, lega and sixpack but i dont now how i go to the next level . what do you think is the best?

  5. Good day bar brothers! Should i really follow the cycle? The amount of rest etc.? Or can i do just max reps for every exercise withoutfollowing any cycle?

    1. Hey Vincent,

      Good question and good day to yourself too!

      Take note that if you max out and you have more than 12 reps, you are purely focusing on endurance and less on strength.

      If that’s your objective I suggest you max out with everything. If that’s not your objective, I suggest you stick to the required number of reps and if it gets too easy, move on to a more advanced exercise or routine.

      Beast mode ON!

  6. first of all I woud say that u guys are like “THE BEST”. u r the definition of inspiration and respect, I would just like to ask you if calisthenic workouts would stop the overall growth of my body,i.e, my height which is currenlt 164cm and I’m 16 years old, and secondly I have like an addiction to working out, I workout 2 times a days for 4 days in a week, for atleast 30 min and have gained a lot though but I still haven’t increased my height that much, ur reply would mean the world to me n keep on doing what u like to do s you guys definitely have changed the way I live, “BEAST MODE ON”!!!

    1. Hey Sarim,

      Thanks for the positive feedback!

      With regard to your question, ‘NO’, it’s actually highly beneficial to your overall development.

      Haha, well that’s definitely a good addiction. Here is what’s really important. It’s better to train 1 time a day really intens, than training twice a day with little intensity.

      Other than that, keep it up bro. You are on your way to greatness!

      Beast mode ON!

  7. very great workouts 🙂
    but i have a question. Im beginner in calisthenics, before i go to the gym and agin muscels with hard weights. But now i want to train with my own weight. So do you think my workout plan for me a beginner in calisthenics is ok?
    Monday: Upperbody + abs
    Tuesday: /
    Wednesday: Full Body
    Thursday: /
    Friday: Leg
    Saturday: Upperbody + abs
    Sunday: Leg
    (I do your workout routins:)
    hope u can help me and understand what i said haha (im from germany) 🙂

    1. Hey Paul,

      Welcome to the movement!

      It’s definitely recommendable to start out with more easy exercises, because of the skill element which you will need to improve as you move from isolated exercises to more compound like movements such as muscle ups etc.

      Depending on your needs you can start training 3 times a week and as you progress you can add variety or add what is your own.

      Make sure you check out the 6 month plan for beginners too, it will give you a more detailed explanation ;).

      Beast mode ON!

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Bar Brothers Groningen

Calisthenics for beginners.

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