When are you strong enough to get started?

A tricky question, eh?

I’ve been there, too.

Because you know the only way to get stronger is by starting.


Endlessly postponing.

Wondering when that perfect moment will come.

In the early years of my calisthenics training, I felt it was almost impossible to hit that ‘start’ button.

And being part of a seemingly ‘guys-only-world’ of calisthenics does not make it any easier for you does it?

But what if I told you that calisthenics can become as easy as eating your favourite chocolate?




Calisthenics Is Like The Best Chocolate You Have Ever Had


After the first bite you can’t stop.

It is the moment of finding the sweet spot. The bliss point.

You’ve eating the entire bar before you know it.


Sounds familiar?

Calisthenics training and eating chocolate are both behaviours.

And behaviours are fuelled by a desire, a motivation or a hunger.

That hunger is largely ignited by availability.


If the chocolate is there, you will eat it.

If you know what your workout is and where you can do it, you will do it.

So what do you need to get started?


You need a workout plan and you need to put yourself in the position where you will use that plan to become stronger.Β 

Trust me, you will find yourself covered if chocolate wrapping, wondering where all that chocolate went before you know it.

Put your teeth the following workouts.Β 


The 4 Bar Sister Routines


Bar Sister Routines Body Weight Training for women

Bar Sister Routine Female Body Weight Workout

Female Body Weight Workout Bar Brothers

Bar Brothers Sisters Workout Routine For Women Body Weight


Your first workout checklist:

  1. Choose your plan, make sure you start with the blue beginner versions.
  2. Find a workout park.
  3. Set 2-3 dates in your agenda in the coming week.
  4. Write down your intention to start in the following structure behind those dates: I will [BEHAVIOUR] on [DATE + TIME] at [LOCATION].Β Example: I will do the full body routine on Wednesday 13:00 at the Marine park.
  5. Optionally: Find a workout buddy so you can hold each other accountable.


Taste Your Victory


When you start your training, you often feel resistance or insecurity.

Pushing yourself to show up and finding good reasons not to do so.

But to unwrap the person you want to be, you need to take that first bite.


How will you ever know what you are capable of? Have you even tried? Do you know what victory tastes like?

You know, because you’ve tasted it many times.

And you will taste it again after your first calisthenics workout.

Here is what you can expect:

It will taste better than the first bite of the best piece of chocolate you have ever had.


*Fist bump*


Now I’d like to hear from you:

Did you like this post?

Or maybe you have a question.

Either way, make sure you get your download and leave a quick comment below right now.



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  1. this is on point. Ive recently subscribed and just have started one of your routines last monday, and from the get go ‘i feel the love’ from the email you send at the brggining letting me know i can reach out to this little friendly newsletter, you are on point. This bit is literally a whole world to so many girls. They have no clue how to get into it. This newsletter in particular is gold. As soon as it gets out you will be sending out so much empowerment. I congratulate you all for putting this together. Its literally like my first newsletter and if this is how it keeps coming i dont even have to update you later to tell u you have changed my life. Hope u get to many more. Keep it comin!

  2. Love, love your attitude and your workouts. I started today and since I am 51 I may be able to do an unassisted pull up by (I hope) June. I am so tired of the gym. Thanks again for sharing your information. Keep it up, I plan on sharing this with my granddaughters. Peace, mg

    1. Hey Maria,

      That’s great to hear!

      Haha, nothing is better than working out outside or wherever you want to.

      To increase your pull up strength you can also do some hanging. Which means, simply holding on to the bar and hanging for 10 seconds. Do this 10 sets, so 10 times 10 seconds, this will already improve your strength. Secondly to make it a little more difficult, you can pull yourself up as far as you can and then hold it again for 10 seconds.

      Keep doing this besides what you are already doing and you should see some great results in no time!

  3. Hi
    Im an overthinker and probably a bit of a “powerbar drainer” at times.
    A question from my over thinking brain… are those workout circuits really all I need to do? I think Im mainly worried I will neglect a muscle group… or is that my “typical gym goer” mindset that has been doing non functional movements for the last 3 years? Even tho I have been going to the gym and ‘lifting’ I am incredibly weak when it comes to pull ups etc.


    1. Hey Steph,

      It has it’s positives and negatives ;).

      If you think those circuits are too easy my question is have you tried them?

      When you start calisthenics you will realize how constricted gym movements are and how much isolation with some of the machines actually detaches you from functionallity.

      Indeed, a lot of people who have been going to the gym come to our training to realize that they can’t do shit. No pull ups, no muscle ups, no front levers, back levers…they don’t control their body. They control extra weight and aesthetics, but they are missing the whole point.

      The underlying reason for fitness is to become a better, stronger, more intelligent mover, aesthetics are a by product and will be wayyyyy more balanced if you get them from natural movements. The problem is that the underlying reason has been lost in most cases, instead of a functional inner layer, the complete focus has been on the outer layer. Like a good looking car without an engine. Fun to have one, but it’s not going to get you anywhere (Take note that this is my opinion, a lot of people don’t agree. But then again, most of them can’t do what the Bar Brothers are doing.)

      Go try a few of those routines and find out for yourself how strong the gym actually has made your body. And have fun while you are at it πŸ˜‰

      Beast Mode ON!

      1. oh in no way do i think its going to be easy! I think its just my commercialized, media bombarded brainwashed mind that thinks the more you lift the better you’ll be. So to reset my brain I tried it today… the 6mth beginners program to be exact and shit! I had to use resistance bands on EVERY pull up and chin up and it was still a huge effort even a 30sec wall sit lol. my stability is all over the show I’m surprised I can walk without stumbling around! lol but dam it I’m on my way to success!
        On top of the fact that it was probably the most satisfying workout Ive done in a long time, it was so much fun! its quite a good feeling lifting yourself off the ground and holding your own body.

        I’m hooked!….. beast mode ON πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

        1. Hey Steph,

          Haha, more difficult than it seems, isn’t it? πŸ˜‰

          Lol, at least you have come to realize that there is still a lot for you to gain.

          True, it’s complete freedom, only using your body and really getting into touch with it.

          You just started your journey, there is way more to discover, welcome to the movement!

          Beast Mode ON!

    1. Hey Jonathan,

      That’s a question which contains a lot of different layers both physically and mentally. I’ll make it as easy as possible.

      Your brain and body need proof, not promise. What does this mean? It means you can tell yourself a million times that you can do something, but you will never truly believe it until it’s done.

      Telling yourself you can do something is not going to make you believe you can, the only thing that will make you believe you can is by going out there and by doing those exercises.

      Check out these blogs:




      Remember, give proof, NOT promise!

      Beast Mode ON!

  4. Hey bro. just a question. my girlfriend want to try calisthenics workout, and i’m wondering if what workout plan would you recommend for her since she is still a beginner.

  5. Hi!
    These are really great routines, but I’ve just got one question. You said (and I quoute) “All you need is…60 minutes 3 days a week with one of these four routines” , but one routine usually takes me about 20 minutes (I don’t take 3-5min rests in between sets, I just keep going). A few times, I’ve done two of these routines in a row, but that doesn’t take more than 45 minutes. Am I doing something wrong? Should I do reps until I hit the 60 minute mark?

    1. Hey Hanna,

      It actually means you are doing pretty damn well! It seems these routines are a bit too easy for you.

      This blog was written with beginners in mind, so I used a 60 minute mark to make sure any beginner would be able to do these routines.

      You are doing great, my advice would be to try making the routines a bit more difficult by increasing the amount of reps or by doing more difficult exercises.

      You can find tons of routines on the website, just type in routines in the search bar!

      Keep it up sis!

      Beast Mode ON!

  6. Hi,

    I just started out calisthenics workout, have been running marathons for 3years. But having problem in losing more weight and want to tone up my body. Can you recommend what diet is suitable for a female with height 152cm and weight 48.5kg.
    I’m trying to eat clean and more protein. I usually exercise in the morning after i woke up. Should i eat breakfast before i start my exercise or should i exercise on empty stomach?

    Thank you.

    1. Hey Wei,

      Welcome to the movement first of all!

      What I can definitely recommend you is to check out the diet blogs on the website.

      With regard to eating clean? What does this imply exactly? What are you cutting?

      What does your current diet or daily eating schedule look like?

      The best way to actually burn fat is by training in a fastened state, cardio or any other form of exercise will definitely help.

      In addition, since you have been running marathons for 3 years, I think your training is probably in check already, so in your case most of the progress will come from eating better. Make sure you answer my questions and I’ll try to give you more customized plan!

      Beast mode ON!

      1. Hi,

        I’m eating really less oil, less sugar and less salt. Cutting all white grain as much as possible. I taking geek yogurt with nuts and seed as my breakfast right after i woke up and before i start my workout. After my workout i will take an apple and papaya. I will drink black coffee no milk or sugar and 2 eggs white n 1 yolk for my teabreak. Lunch i have lots of vegetables with chicken breast or salmon. Dinner will be more protein base stuff like tofu, chicken breast and fruits.

        Am I eating too much?

        I have very weak arms. Push up n pull up are really a challenging for me. How can i bulid up more strength. I need more lean muscle. I think my body fats are still on the high side. How can i lost more body fats to tone up my body?

        Thank you

        1. Hey Wei,

          Try working out without your breakfast in a fastened state. Start eating at 12 pm until 8 pm.

          It’s difficult for me to say whether you are eating too much or not. What I can recommend you is to read this blog http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-apps/ and get myfitnesspal to track your calories. Set your goal and put your calories into the app, it will calculate how much you will need vs how much you consume.

          And consider getting the renegade diet! It will give you a full explanation of hormonal balances and foods that will contribute ;).

          But this will definitely get you going!

          Beast mode ON!

  7. Hey, i had just seen your answer. Thank you a lot. First of all i measure about 1,73 cm and i weight about 63 kg. i was considering buying a plan in bar brothers the official page. But i am worried about not being able to complete it, because i mean my arms are strong and tough, but is very hard for me doing for example 2 pull ups… Im looking for a strong body, i mean the typical teenage dream: abs, strong legs, toned back and arms. I want to let know i am very determined to archieved it.

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Calisthenics for beginners.

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