Have you seen headlines like:

“Get 10 one arm push ups by sitting on the couch for 10 days”.

“Do nothing and get everything you want”.

“Quit training and look ripped.”


My guess is that you haven’t.

And when you just read those headlines you probably felt a bit skeptical.

When you test your own push up strength you can’t imagine doing 1, let alone 10 one arm push ups.


But I have good news for you.

It actually is possible. And you don’t need to be Bruce Lee to do it.  

In this post you’ll get 3 foolproof progressions that you can use ANYWHERE to go from regular push ups to doing crazy 1 arm push ups.

Let’s do this!

Are you still far from developing that strong six pack core?

And do you struggle with finding the right exercises?

The fact is, everyone will give you 10 different exercises to develop a stronger core or to get you that six pack you are aiming for.


That’s why you are drowning in unnecessary ‘fancy’ and non-functional exercises.

It’s confusing to say the least.

The result? You are doing inefficient exercises, with an inefficient execution that don’t get you any results.

That’s the worst part, it’s like swimming against the stream, without arms.


And you want to ‘backlever/frontlever’ float in mid air?

This might sound harsh, but without the proper step-by-step process.

You are going nowhere.


If this key element in your training is either inadequate – or nowhere to be found – you will bump into a wall down the road.

But not on my watch.

I’ve been reviewing tons of workout routines recently, helping people to make better workout plans, and I’ve found that there is one major repeating obstacle.

Sticking to right progressions.

Gaining muscle and strength is like eating beer nuts.

After your first bite you just can’t stop.

It’s addictive.


No matter how much progress you’ve made, it makes you hungry for more.

But do you ever get the feeling that the people who are stronger than you, barely work harder?

Which usually means that they shouldn’t make more progress than you.

And maybe that’s why you keep looking for that next ‘secret’ exercise tip from them that will make you just as strong.

The thing is, sometimes you need to go back to the basics to find what really matters – high quality nutrition, not the next exercise or the next skill.


When it comes to training and nutrition almost everyone agrees that ‘consuming plenty’ of protein is a cornerstone.

You cannot build something without the right building blocks and protein provides you with the raw resources to do so.


Below you’ll find:

  • how much grams of protein you need;
  • a simple tool to track your protein intake;
  • 11 high quality protein sources;
  • and a tasty high protein meal which you can instantly add to your diet for more muscle, less fat and faster recovery.

Calisthenics beginners all experience the same frustration.

You feel like a new world opens up to you. Like a kid in a candy store.

But when you try the moves you see online…it kinda sucks. Something is missing. You just can’t seem do some exercises.

And it doesn’t feel like you’ll be able to do them any time soon.

It makes you want to cry.

Like the same kid that sees his ice cream fall on a pile of dirt after the first lick of the cone.


Increasing your level of calisthenics skill may feel like a difficult, perhaps even impossible journey.

But when you realise that flexibility is strength, that agonising road to be less stiff turns into a fun trip.

While experimenting with increasing your hamstring flexibility. You’ll discover that it opens many doors, not just windows.

You’ll stand out. Strong AND flexible.

Want to know how you can start loosening up those tight hamstrings?

How to open the door to the calisthenics candy store?

Can you learn how to do remarkable things?

Can you learn the skills that will make people say: “Wauw, that’s impossible for me!”?

You might think some people are born to be remarkable.

You either have a genetic advantage or you don’t.


Lazar. Dusan. Hannibal for King have the right genes. People like Frank Medrano, Ido Portal, Al Kavadlo. Brandon Meyers has them too, and Adam Raw, and Hit Richards.

The list of extraordinary people goes on and on.

But ordinary people like you and me?


Not too long ago, I used to think I was just too much of an average Joe to even scratch the surface of what those people were doing.

Too weak. Too old. Too little. Too much of anything I could think of.

Thinking about doing remarkable stuff would make me chuckle too.

I could never do that impossible stuff!


If the same belief keeps crossing your mind. Let me tell you that your thinking is flawed. 

It’s not impossible. If it were, why are so many people doing it?

They are the living proof that you can learn what they are doing. Even you can do the ‘extraordinary’.

Let me tell you how. 

Have you ever wondered why your pull ups don’t seem to improve?

You religiously follow the routines. And you are doing the exercises almost daily.



You look at your rep count and scratch your head.

It’s okey, but you’d like to do better.

Should you do more pull ups or chin ups?


So you tinker around a bit more, change up your training plan.

And before you know it you reach the 100 rep mark.

It’s the dream, and everywhere you turn online, someone will tell you it happened.

It makes you wonder though, why are you struggling so much?


And if it’s that easy why isn’t everyone that strong?

It’s not easy, it never is.

But with this method you can use your biggest engine -the nervous system- to your advantage.