There are many ‘transformational’ stories.

Some stories are forgotten.

Some stories stick.

And then there are stories like this one.


Have you ever heard about the ‘43 year old man who used to be a homeless meth user, ended up in jail 18 times, became depressed, ate himself into obesity and weighted 315 pounds at his highest?’

In case you haven’t, his name is one to remember…David.


And if you don’t know David, you need to know his story.

Because David did something few people will ever do.

He faced his Goliath.

Isn’t that what you want at the end of the day?

You go to the play ground and after training a few times, you effortlesly progress into a handstand.

Hopping from one arm to the other – turning up your music at the same time.

While others are still struggling and doing it one step at a time.


You make it seem like it’s your second nature.

Although it takes some people years, you aren’t even breaking a of sweat.

And what’s the secret to this level of handstand mastery?


Thinking you will get it overnight!

Taking a leap instead of doing it one step at a time.

I mean, the best things in life come easy, don’t they?

Well, prepare yourself for a shock…

Calisthenics Muscle Up Workout

The red pill.

You signed up for the e-mail list and jumped down the rabbit hole of body weight workouts.

Maybe you even went the extra mile and actually read through the free ebook to make sure you didn’t miss any killer routines.

Then you were smart enough to find the 6 month plan and maybe you were motivated enough to actually follow the six month plan.

But after the first 5 months you feel like you should be able to do that first muscle up.

And you just can’t figure out why you are still stuck at 0 muscle ups EVER.


Every training you anxiously jump on the bar and try to pull yourself up as hard as you can, hoping that today will finally be the ‘day on which you achieved your first muscle up’.

But every training is a letdown. Still one or two centimeters short (And let’s be honest – it’s probably five if you don’t cheat yourself).

The truth is, you are forgetting to take the right steps and there is too much information out there – but not any more.

Stop focusing on strength alone and start focusing on skill too. When you combine both…

You go from 0 to 1.

Basic Calisthenics Workout Plan for stronger wrists

You know you can’t deny it…

You dream of doing handstands, planches and elbow levers.

In fact, the thought of doing all that stuff is what motivates you to keep training, day in day out.

After all, those are the moves that will bring you to the realm of mastery.


The reality is different, simply standing on your hands for 10 seconds seems impossible.

Let alone doing a full planche or an elbow lever and even doing push ups hurts your wrists like hell.

Wrist injuries are always around the next corner, waiting like a sniper, ready to shoot into your wrist.

So how do you master those moves and at the same time dodge those injuries?


One way to do it is by trial-and-error, hoping that some day you will finally have the strength you need and getting injured because really have no idea what you are doing.

Good luck with that.

A smarter way is to look at what you can do to increase your strength and prevent injuries while training all those moves.

Becoming even better than the people who are doing it right now.

If you want to discover what you can do to both become bulletproof and at the same time develop the strength for more advanced moves, you need to look no further.

You know that feeling you get right after you killed your workout?

Your ego says you’ve done a good job, you’ve done something most people can’t nor ever will be able to do.

Meanwhile, you see some kids playing around, not even attempting to do anything.


Hanging, jumping, running.

Doing side splits, bridges and deep squats. Effortlesly. Almost making it seem like it shouldn’t be an issue for you.

So you try it.


After trying it for a while -with the I’m-taking-a-shit-look on your face- you realize you can’t do any of that ‘kid-stuff’.

‘Ouch’ that hurts. Not only your body, but also your ego.

You can’t even touch your toes with straight legs, let alone grab a coin. Every time you try it, you feel like you just turned 50 years older as you come up in a slow and agoninzing way with a pain ridden face.


How is it possible that those kids without any training or visible strength are able to do more stuff than you?

They have something you’ve lost. Flexibility.

Here is how you can start getting it back.

If you are one of the many.

You are probably also wondering about an essential thing in calisthenics workout.

The amount of repetitions.

Honestly, I wish there was an easy way to explain it. I wish I could tell you: “Just do an X amount of repetitions and you will achieve your goals”.


But there isn’t.

The truth is repetitions and the amount of sets required differ per person.

It depends on your overall muscle composition and on your goals among many other factors.


Still, there are generally accepted ranges of repetitions which you can stick to.

The research on this is still lashing out in the dark, mostly.

The good news? We have a lot of evidence from people actually doing and experimenting themselves.

Here is what you need to know when it comes to repetitions.