Build muscle with calisthenics

In this post, you are going to learn EXACTLY how you can build muscle with calisthenics. 

In fact, TODAY you are going to discover the 3 fundamental and science-based rules that everyone with muscle is using. 

Let's build some muscle!



Rule 1:

Mechanical Tension

Rule 2:

Protein Intake & Caloric Balance

Rule 3:

Sleep, Stress & Deloads


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Nutrition System

The meal plan by the official Bar Brothers


A quick visual summary of this blog post

Rule 1: 

Mechanical Tension

In this chapter we're going to cover the basic rule to START building muscle.

(Including why you can build muscle with any type of training)

So if you are interested in understanding how you can build muscle as a beginner...

...this chapter will give you the information you are looking for.


Calisthenics Training Stimulus

Building muscle calisthenics

First, you need to train HARD.

Or in fancy words:

When it comes to building muscle, you need mechanical tension/progressive overload to provide the body with adaptation signals (1, 2).

For example, when you lift weights you can start with 40 kilograms:

And when it becomes easy, you add another 10 kilograms:

And you keep adding weights over time:

Until you reach a point where it becomes too heavy to lift.

Every time you add weights and train your body to lift those weights... become stronger. 

It's basically the way to tell your body:

"Hey you lazy bastard, you need to start growing some muscle!"

And you can do the exact same with calisthenics.

For example, by going from an incline push up (most of your weight on your feet:

To a regular push up (more weight towards the arms):

And finally... doing a decline push up (even more weight towards the arms):

By moving your center of mass from your feet more towards your hands... can increase the load on the arms and get stronger over time. 

Just like you would with lifting weights. 

Training Tip

Don't focus on having sore muscles.

Focus on adding more mechanical tension over time.

Sore muscles DON'T mean you are getting stronger.

They just mean that the training you did was more than your body is used to. 

And you will just need more time to recover.

Which sucks. 

Rather than having muscle ache for days.

Build it up slowly.

So you can consistently increase the difficulty.

And build muscle without breaks and unnecessary pain.

It doesn't matter if you are lifting weights or doing calisthenics...

When it comes to building muscle, mechanical tension is KEY.

And there is enough scientific evidence to back this up.

A quick Google search shows that more people have been asking this question:

So yes... can build muscle with calisthenics

You just have to understand how you can use gravity to your advantage.

And do it with the right technique.
When you do...

...the world becomes your gym.

Rule 2: 

Protein Intake & Caloric Balance

In this chapter we're going to cover the MOST important macronutrient for muscle construction.

And why you need to start managing your energy intake.

That is...

...if you want to make sure your body becomes an effective muscle building machine.

Let's discover what you need!

Optimized Calisthenics Nutrition

Building muscle calisthenics 2

Protein is ESSENTIAL for building muscle.

And you need a good calisthenics diet to eat slightly more than required.

You'll find ALL and more in the post below:

All EFFECTIVE muscle building diets pay attention to the importance of protein intake on body composition and specifically muscle growth (3).

(Fun fact: there is even a diet where people ONLY eat animal based protein.)

You don't need to go that far.

Sure, you need protein.

But you also want to make sure you eat enough... prevent your body from losing muscle (4).

Diet Tips

What are the practical implications for you?

  • Step 1: Track your caloric and protein consumption.
  • Step 2: Eat slightly more than you need.
  • Step 3: Eat enough protein. 

It will not get any easier.

These are the basics.

The Nutrition System 

The ultimate diet plan by the Bar Brothers For Calisthenics Beginners

Whether it's your priority or not, if you want results you want to make sure your nutrition the BEST it can be. 

Looking for specific meal plans and guidance?

Try the Nutrition System by the official Bar Brothers.


Rule 3: 

Sleep, Stress & Deloads

If you want to build muscle you NEED to improve your ability to rest.

Because just like training, resting is a skill. 

In this chapter, you'll learn how many hours of sleep you'll need and how you can schedule your training to SUPERCHARGE your recovery rate.



Effective Recovery For Calisthenics

Muscles grow when you sleep, NOT when you workout.

Didn't expect that, did you?

Sleep is an extremely important muscle building activity (4).

In fact, too little sleep breaks down your muscles (5).

And too much stress does the same to your recovery. 

For example, according to the Journal for Strength and conditioning research, chronic stress can increase double your recovery time from 48 to 96 hours (6).

Working out tells your body to gather the construction workers.

And rest is when those construction workers are actually put to work.

(That’s right: your gains happen when you rest and recover.)

The challenge?

Finding a good balance between hard work and deep rest.

You'll find a simple tip below.

Sleep Tip

What can you do right now?

Set a sleep timer.

Instead of just setting a wake-up alarm, remind yourself to go to bed.

At the same time every day. 


 Calisthenics Infographic

Calisthenics infographic


You Can Build The Calisthenics Body Of Your Dreams


There are MANY roads to building muscle. 

Some people like weight lifting.

Others like to turn the world into their gym.

And others rather stick to watching Netflix...'s all fine.

Whatever your choice may be, the fundamentals are the same.


What your body becomes is in your hands.

Trust yourself. Follow the road. 

Because you know what you want. 

And how to get it.


*Fist bump*


Now I’d like to hear from you:

Which tip in this post are you going to use first?

Or maybe you have a question.

Either way, leave a quick comment below right now.


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      1. I have a few questions. Since I am a beginner I will start off with modified versions of calisthenics. I was wondering what calisthenics exercises are best to start off with doing to help me gradually, effectively and safely warm up and to develop the strength and endurance to eventually be able to do behind the neck pull-ups then hang from a bar by the back of my neck??
        I have been told that doing it is very dangerous. I am asking about the correct and proper, safe, right way to approach doing this. Thank you so very much!!!

        1. Hey Jennifer,

          Very smart! You can start with the simple warm ups, or even simpler. Start with walking.

          You are talking about a german hang probably. It’s not dangerous, if you are prepared for it. But in your case start with the basics.

          And walking is a great one.

          To add some more you can use some of these warm ups and customise them to your needs:

          *Fist bump*

  1. Hey Rich, thanks for all your help now and so. I am starting at calisthenics tomorrow and I’ll train at 18-19 pm (after work) for like 2~3 months, maybe kinda more. Then I gonna need to train at 7~8 am and work at night, so my question is this: Do I can train for building muscles in the morning and rest properly after 12 am? Will not I make it difficult to recover and build up my muscles?

    1. Sorry, I just noticed that I said it wrong, I am going to train at 6 ~ 7pm now (after work). Then train at 7 ~ 8am when I start working at night. Plus, I am in the 16/8 diet plan (8pm ~ 12pm window now, 12:30am ~ 8am after going to night work).

      1. I’m not sure where to reply here so I’m starting here I always been in great shape worked out with weight and did calaesthetics my question I’m 62 years old now I got hurt and loss of muscle mass and my skin is a little loose could I still get back in shape with this routine

    1. Hey Ali,

      Soreness is not a good indicator for how well you train.

      Progress is a better one. Are you making progress?

      Secondly what are your goals. Are you making enough progress to reach your goals?

      If you have the answer to those questions, you have the answer to your question.

      *Fist bump*

  2. Hi I’m currently at about 27% body fat, I want to start training main goal being to build muscle however I also want to shift the fat fast, should I be calorific surplus or deficit?


    1. Hey Richard,

      Great questions!

      1. Forget about ‘fast’. If you do it fast, not only will you not be able to sustain it, but you will lose more lean muscle mass. Instead go for consistency over a longer period of time, think months instead of weeks.
      2. At your body fat % aim to up your protein intake and stick to a small caloric deficit 250-500 calories daily, read this post:
      3. Use a program that allows for progressive overload:
      4. Sleep your ass off.

      Keep up the good work and if you have any other questions, ask!

      *Fist bump*

  3. Hi,

    Will you share some thoughts about online coaching with Ido Portal? I’d like to see your point of view on locomotion and handstand.

  4. Bonjour,
    Je vous suis depuis plus d’un an, et merci pour vos précieux conseils, continuez à nous envoyer vos mails. Faites vous du coaching en ligne. Le seul bémol, c’est parfois compliqué pour m’entrainer à cause de mon travail qui me laisse peu de temps libre.

    1. Hé Gaetan, quel énorme compliment. Je suis heureux que vous puissiez bénéficier des conseils de ce site. Mon français n’est pas bon donc j’utilise google translate. Mais ce sont des articles comme celui-ci qui permettent à ce blog de continuer. Merci et bon voyage!

  5. Bar brothers GR! You are not a weight lifter! But you always lift my confidence. You always inspire me in every post you make. Just want to share that im a cancer patient till now but im just waiting for my last result if my cancer is gone. After my chemo i was literally a walking stick. Haha! And after a months of recovering i saw a vid of lazar on YT. Thats why i started to research about calisthenics and i found this 6 months training. Its been 2 months after i start. My body change a bit. I gain muscles but i feel my strength is not enough. But hey! Im just getting started so who knows after this workout plan. Wish me luck and more power bar brothers!

    1. Hey Joshua,

      Wauw man!

      You are a hero by standing straight in the face of adversity. I’m sure there is much more you can teach me about being strong than I every could teach you.

      Stay strong, stay healthy and wishing you all the luck in the world!


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Bar Brothers Groningen

Calisthenics for beginners.

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