These are the magical tips to stay lean during the holidays. And let me be clear about something: This is NOT your 'temporary fix' post.   Yes, I’ll cover very simple and practical tips. But you’re also going to get new strategies that will work great throughout the year. Let's jump into the 9 magical tips that will keep you lean!      

Weight Gain During The Holidays

  Yes, that's exactly what you are seeing. US citizens eat themselves into obesity during Christmas and New Year and there is another spike around Easter (1).  In the coming 4-5 weeks -if you are an average citizen- you will undo most of the weight loss you achieved during the past 48 weeks.  The rest of the year you will spend on losing that weight, but the bad news is that you will probably maintain the weight you have gained. Unless.   Let's think in solutions. What is the easiest way to not gain weight? By not eating it in the first place.  There are many ways to burn weight, but there is essentially just one way to gain it: And that's through what you put into your mouth.  But NOT eating does not really fit into the let's-get-fat-together-during-the-holidays picture, does it?  
So here are 9 tips to eat food, stay lean and still enjoy your holidays with friends and family:   1. Sleep 7-8 hours and use 15-20 min naps. Not only does proper sleep allows you to maintain lean mass, but it also improves the ratio of fat to lean mass if you eat less than you need. On top of that, you are less hungry due to better hormonal levels and while you are sleeping or napping you won’t be tempted into eating.   2. Prioritize protein. You will be fuller from protein much quicker than from any other macronutrient. Start filling your plate with a fist or two of protein, and eat an adequate amount of protein first. This will fill you up and you will spontaneously eat less. This is a great example of eating your cake and leaving it whole.   3. Hunt for unprocessed foods. Try to fill up your plate with as many fruits and veggies you can find. It’s all about enjoying yourself and when it comes to fruits and veggies, gorge down as much as you want. You consume significantly fewer calories compared to when you gorge down on ultra-processed foods and get some additional nutrients in the process.   4. Enjoy your big meals. If you eat less during the day and the days before, you can load up during dinner. A small reduction in calories by 300-500 calories per day can give you a nice buffer to play with. It does not mean you need to track your calories all the time, it just means you need to be aware of how you can create room for additional food without going over your energy requirements for the day.   5. Drink water or vodka.  An alcoholic beverage during the holidays can quickly lead to empty bottles. If you prioritize 1-2 glasses of water and optionally small amounts of vodka over calorically dense sodas, drinks and other forms of liquid calories, you will not only reduce your intake of calories, but you both avoid a hangover and stay lean.   6. Pause 20 min between plates. Take a break of 20 minutes after your first plate to give your body time to consciously register how satiated you are. If you still feel hungry after 20 min, go for seconds and start with protein and veggies.   7. Eat until 80%. Eat until you are satiated at about 80%. Avoid eating until you are full, but eat until you are satisfied. It’s a simple way to prevent yourself from overeating.   8. Use smaller serving sizes  Contrary to what some refuted studies show, eating from a smaller plate or drinking from a smaller cup does not necessarily lead to a lower intake of food. However, you will finish a smaller plate faster which provides you with the opportunity to choose whether or not you will refill. This moment of choice allows you to consciously decide whether or not you actually are eating because you are still unsatiated or not.   9. Stay active. Instead of sitting on the couch all day, up your caloric expenditure and maintain reasonable levels of activity by helping with the dishes, setting up the Christmas tree and going for a walk with the family. Not only are you investing in your social bonds and getting hugs and kisses for being such an awesome person, but you are also secretly staying lean in the process by reducing your sedentary time.   Quick Summary:
  • Sleep 7-8 hours and take 20-15 min naps
  • Save up 300-500 calories during previous days
  • Help around the house with as many chores to burn more calories
  • Fill your first plate with 1-2 fists of protein
  • Add 1-2 fists of fruits and veggies
  • Add other foods you like
  • Eat your protein and fruits/veggies first
  • Have your food with 1-2 glasses of water
  • Eat until 80%
  • Wait 20 minutes after finishing your plate and repeat
  Bonus Want to know how you can structure your meals for the best results, how much protein you need to build muscle fast and more? This is covered in the Nutritional System by the official Bar Brothers.  

How Do You Stay Magically Lean During The Holidays?

  These simple tips don't seem magical, do they? In fact, you could do them the entire year and the people who seem to keep the weight off are probably using some of these tips unconsciously.  By applying these 'non-restrictive' rules consciously, you too can separate yourself from the masses.    Instead of not allowing yourself to eat certain foods, focus on what you can eat to get closer to your goals. It will automatically reduce your intake of all the foods that move you away from those goals. Your stomach has limited space and will tell you if you take your time between meals.   Look at it this way: 'All the weight you don't gain during the holidays, you won't have to lose during the rest of the year.' Think about how much easier it will be to achieve those goals you have for next year. You will finally have a magically good start. Your family members will wonder what kind of secret sorcery you used. And you will know there is nothing magical about it.   Beast mode ON!   Now I’d like to hear from you: Did you like this post? Or maybe you have a question. Either way, leave a quick comment below right now.      

Bar Brothers Groningen

Calisthenics for beginners.

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