In this quick guide, you'll learn how motivation works and will get an effective rule to break through procrastination.

Today you will learn:

  • How you can motivate yourself to train more
  • How you can motivate yourself to eat healthier
  • How you can motivate yourself to become more confident

Summarized: limitless motivation is not some magical thing that only some lucky people have, it's something you can learn. 

And here is how!


Change Your Definition Of Motivation

It sounds weird, but have you ever thought about what motivation actually is?

Not just what it is, but what you think it is.

Or as the old adage goes:

"He who says he can and he who says he can't are usually both right."

Understanding this simple sentence deeply, can completely change 2022 for you.

Keep reading...


According to Wikipedia, motivation is:

And a quick Google search shows that it's a hot topic amongst calisthenics beginners and experienced people:

But you already knew that if you've done calisthenics for just a few weeks. 

Staying motivated 100% of the time is HARD. 

In fact, it's nearly impossible.

So what you need to know is this:

Action leads to motivation.

Only then does motivation lead to action.

Most people (including you) skip the first step.

And every time you don't feel like it... don't act.

But instead build a layer of resistance.

You wait for motivation, but all you hear...


Remember this:

You don't need motivation to act.

You need to ACT to be motivated. 


Until you reach a point where your actions and motivation amplify each other.

The limitless motivation-action loop.

Where your workouts become effortless habits.

How do you get there?


...the question you need to ask yourself as a beginner is:

How can I act when I don't feel motivated at all?

That's the million dollar question.

The 60-Second Rule


Often when things sound too good to be true...

...they actually are.

But with this simple rule, you can break through inaction.

And find yourself doing what needs to be done WITHOUT motivation.

Yes. That's not a capitalized typo. 

And your friends will wonder how you changed. 

You'll tap into the secret of limitless motivation. 

Don't take my word for it.

Put it to the test.


Tiny Actions

The '60-second rule' is a simple act that you make so tiny... takes you less than 60 seconds to do.

It starts with the following question:

What is the smallest thing you can do right now to work to your bigger goal?

(a big goal could be getting below 10% body fat)

Make it tiny.

Even smaller.

Yup. That's about it. 

For example:

If you want to workout, put your shoes on and step out of the door. 

If that's too hard, put on 1 shoe first.

Here is another one:

If you want to train at home, create a spot where you always do your workouts.

Walk over there one step at a time.

Baby-step yourself to a bigger goal.

Instead of trying to take a huge and nearly impossible jump:

Feel resistance?


Don't feel resistance?


It doesn't matter...

...because you DON'T depend on motivation.

You depend on your tiny actions.

You just use motivation when it's there. 

Just like you don't depend on the wind to push you forward when you ride your bike, but it's pretty sweet when it does...

Ready for Limitless Motivation In 2022?

It’s time to say goodbye.

Goodbye to the rain and wind that keeps you waiting for the storm to pass.

Goodbye to waiting for motivation.


Goodbye to waiting for a magical moment. 

You now know how you can light your match.

You know it takes less than 60 seconds.


If you have never felt the crackling heat of limitless motivation.

Now is the time to act on the fire that wants to burn inside of you.


...what is your next tiny action?


*Fist bump*


Now I’d like to hear from you:

What are you going to do in 2022 after reading this post?

Or maybe you have a burning question.

Either way, leave a quick comment below right now.

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  1. i’m 14 years old, and i’ve been a part of the Bar Brothers family for almost a year now. you guys changed my life, and i want to just say thank you. i’m now ready to take my training to the next level, mentally and physically.


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Calisthenics for beginners.

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