Are you still far from developing that strong six pack core?

And do you struggle with finding the right exercises?

The fact is, everyone will give you 10 different exercises to develop a stronger core or to get you that six pack you are aiming for.


That’s why you are drowning in unnecessary ‘fancy’ and non-functional exercises.

It’s confusing to say the least.

The result? You are doing inefficient exercises, with an inefficient execution that don’t get you any results.

That’s the worst part, it’s like swimming against the stream, without arms.


And you want to ‘backlever/frontlever’ float in mid air?

This might sound harsh, but without the proper step-by-step process.

You are going nowhere.


If this key element in your training is either inadequate – or nowhere to be found – you will bump into a wall down the road.

But not on my watch.

I’ve been reviewing tons of workout routines recently, helping people to make better workout plans, and I’ve found that there is one major repeating obstacle.

Sticking to right progressions.



Pre-Requisites And Why You Need To Focus On The Right Progressions


The one thing that will either pay off or make you pay for it is the time you have spent on perfecting, sculpting and optimizing your basics.

In that sense your core is a key piece.

When it comes to developing a stronger core, don’t just jump in the deep, but learn to swim.

The right way.


Eventually aiming for the most difficult and useful progression.

By dropping the ego and sticking to the process.

When it comes to the full leg raise, you’ll realize that a lack of basic flexibility will completely stop you from actually achieving a ‘clean execution’. 

Make sure you work on your hamstring flexibility for calisthenics while you are mastering this move.

It’s the only way to get there.

Here are the 5 exercises that will allow you to progress in the fastest possible way.


Key Takeaway: Focus on your flexibility as much as you focus on your strength to master the full leg raise.



1. Bicycle Knee Raises




Main goal: Core strength & shoulder health


1) Grab the bar with an overhand grip

2) Slightly activate your shoulders by retracting your shoulder blades (Pulling them together)

3) Lift 1 knee to a 90 degree angle and hold it for 1-3 seconds

4) While lowering 1 knee bring the other knee up to a 90 degree angle and hold that position for 2-3 seconds

5) Keep alternating in a controlled way


Mastery at 5×10 repetitions



2. Knee Raises




Main goal: Core strength & shoulder health


1) Grab the bar with an overhand grip

2) Slightly activate your shoulders by retracting your shoulder blades (Pulling them together)

3) Lift both knees to a 90 degree angle and hold it for 1-3 seconds

4) Lower your knees while counting to 3 until they are completely hanging


Mastery at 5×10 repetitions



3. Half Leg Raises




Main goal: Core strength & shoulder health


1) Grab the bar with an overhand grip

2) Slightly activate your shoulders by retracting your shoulder blades (Pulling them together)

3) Lift legs while keeping your knees straight and hold it for 1-3 seconds

4) Lower your legs while counting to 3 until they are completely hanging


Mastery at 5×10 repetitions



4. Full Leg Raises




Main goal: Core strength & shoulder health


1) Grab the bar with an overhand grip

2) Slightly activate your shoulders by retracting your shoulder blades (Pulling them together)

3) Lift both legs completely upwards until your toes touch the bar

4) Lower your straight legs while counting to 3 until they are completly hanging

5) To be able to do the full leg raise, you need a minimum amount of hamstring flexibility. Being able to touch the floor with your hands while keeping your legs straight should be enough.


Mastery at 5×10 repetitions



5. 1 Arm Full Leg Raises




Main goal: Core strength & shoulder health


1) Grab the bar with an overhand grip using only 1 hand

2) Fully activate your shoulder by retracting and depressing your shoulder blade (Pulling towards your other shoulder and pushing down)

3) Lift both legs completely upwards until your toes touch the bar

4) Lower your straight legs while counting to 3 until they are completly hanging

5) Use your opposite arm as a counter balance if you start rotating


Mastery at 5×10 repetitions



A Stronger Core Makes Everything Else Better


Whether you are doing it for aesthenics reasons or more functional ones, you will come to the conclusion that building a stronger core will make everything else better.

It’s not easy, it takes time and perhaps you need to start at progression 1.

Don’t be discouraged.

It isn’t easy to do what is hard, but if you keep doing what is hard, hard will become easy.


In the end, it’s worth the effort.

Stop drowning in those ‘fancy pantsy’ ab exercises, stick to functional progressions, the basics.

Because that’s where most of your progress will come from.

Soon you’ll see that while everyone is still swimming against the stream, you’ll be floating in mid air.


Beast mode ON!


Now I’d like to hear from you:

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Or maybe you have a question.

Either way, make sure you get your download and leave a quick comment below right now.



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  1. Hey Rich!!

    *Fist Bump*
    i love the Full body equipment workout…but i cant do the full leg raisers, only 1 not 3.
    In place of this i have substituted 10 lying down leg raisers (these i can do properly without my back arching, slow up, slow down) and then max V-Ups, then i go on with the declined pushups and so the cycle continues.
    Will this substitute work properly and give the same results in Place of 3 leg raisers until i can do the leg raisers properly? and will the chin ups and pull ups and pushups secure my shoulder strength health for the full leg raisers in the meantime?



    1. Hey Julian,

      Great question!

      *Fist bump back*

      Stick to the progressions in this post. By doing lying down leg raises you are missing one of the major areas which we want to target with this drill: ‘The shoulders’ and your grip strength.

      So it might help in your development, but it is NOT a replacement for it.

      Instead of doing the full leg raises, stick to the half leg raise or an easier progression and build it up from there.

      Keep up the good work my friend.

      Beast mode ON!

  2. Whoaaa Rich, finally after 2 months I’ve started this progression, I got my first full hanging leg raises 🙂 . Take too long I think, but I appreciate myself for this achievement
    Hopefully I’ll get my first muscle up in the next month haha
    Thanx for keeping me motivated bro!

  3. hey i really appreciate your effort & work it’s such an amazing blog and awesome tips
    but i have one problem now i just can’t understand what do you mean when u say 5×5 repetitions
    or 6×10 repetitions ?
    i can’t get it
    do u mean 5 sets every set contains 5 repetitions or what ?
    plz can u reexplain this to me ?
    and thnx for ur massive effort for helping us

      1. Real thnx from deep within my heart bro!!!
        i seriously appreciate ur effort massive effort
        good luck with ur life

        Beast Mod ON!!!!!!!!!!

  4. as usual rich impressive effort and content
    and as usual i got one question
    should i follow the basics first before the leg raise progression ? or it doesn’t matter ?
    i hope u reply asap
    thnx again rich for helping us out
    and i know a lot of questions from me lately LOL

  5. Hell yeah! I've been a bar brother for almost a year now, and I think everybody wants to know how to get lazar' abs, right? So, what I've learned:

    1. THIS ARTICLE! The best abs exercise is a hanging full leg raise, or a regular leg raise (remember, CONTRACT THE SHOULDERS TO PREVENT SWING).
    2. Knee raises and other exercises are either good for progressions or an addition to the routine.
    3. Big weight, low reps. Low weight, big reps/sets.
    4. When you get to dead hang with leg raises, let your abs free, in a stretch position. Now, another rep.

    So far, all I know. I'd recommend:
    5-8 Sets | BW (Bodyweight) | 2-3 Minute Rest
    – Leg Raises to 85-90 percent
    – Full Leg Raises to 85-90 percent
    – Knee Raises to MAX

    *Fist Bump*
    Bar Brothers SALUTE!

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