Have you seen headlines like:

“Get 10 one arm push ups by sitting on the couch for 10 days”.

“Do nothing and get everything you want”.

“Quit training and look ripped.”


My guess is that you haven’t.

And when you just read those headlines you probably felt a bit skeptical.

When you test your own push up strength you can’t imagine doing 1, let alone 10 one arm push ups.


But I have good news for you.

It actually is possible. And you don’t need to be Bruce Lee to do it.  

In this post you’ll get 3 foolproof progressions that you can use ANYWHERE to go from regular push ups to doing crazy 1 arm push ups.

Let’s do this!



Pre-Requisite For The One Arm Push Up


The one arm push ups will place quite the load on your wrists, double the load of a regular push up.

It’s therefore important to make sure you properly warm up your wrists with calisthenics drills when working on any type of one arm push up progression.

Before attempting to work on the one arm push up, make sure you are able to do at least 5×5 regular push ups.


Key Requirements: Warm up your wrists and make sure you can do 5×5 regular push ups before your work on any one arm push up progression.



Archer Push Ups



Main goal: Developing upper body pushing strength for more advanced one arm work.


1. First place your hands flat on the ground with your fingers pointing sideways at about double shoulder width.

2. Keep your glutes and abs contracted and your lower back straight.

3. Lean to 1 side and slowly lower yourself into a one arm push up while straightening your other arm.

4. Keep the elbow of your pushing arm close to your body during the entire motion. Make sure you bring your chest to the ground.

5. Push yourself up with 1 arm, while keeping your body straight and use the other arm as support if needed.

6. Repeat on the other side.


Mastery at 5×10 repetitions



One Arm Push Up



Main goal: Mastering the 1 arm push up and building pushing strength for higher level skills.


1. First place one hand flat on the ground at around shoulder width and your legs slightly apart.

2. Place the other hand on your back.

2. Keep your glutes and abs contracted and your lower back straight.

3. Lean to your pushing side and lower yourself until your chest touches the ground.

4. Keep the elbow of your pushing arm close to your body during the entire motion.

5. Push yourself up with 1 arm, while keeping your body straight.

6. Repeat on the other side.


Mastery at 5×5 repetitions



One Leg One Arm Push Up



Main goal: Moving beyond the one arm push up into higher level strength skills.


1. First place one hand flat on the floor at around shoulder width and lift the leg on the same side. If your right hand is on the ground, lift your right leg.

2. Place the other hand on your back and keep the leg in the air.

2. Keep your glutes and abs contracted and your lower back straight.

3. Lean to your pushing side and lower yourself until your chest touches the ground while keeping your leg in the air.

4. Keep the elbow of your pushing arm close to your body during the entire motion.

5. Push yourself up with 1 arm, while keeping your body straight with 1 leg in the air.

6. Repeat on the other side.


Mastery at 5×5 repetitions



Becoming Stronger Doesn’t Mean Getting Everything At The First Try


The opposite might be true.

You can achieve more of your goals by accepting that you SUCK. With every new exercise you are given the opportunity to challenge yourself. 

This challenge allows you to learn and live a fuller life.

Embracing challenges such as the one arm push up starts with realising that you aren’t Bruce Lee now, but that you might be the next Bruce Lee some day. 


Stop torturing yourself by saying you can’t do something.

Instead, show up, do the work and embrace the challenge. 


Bruce Lee wasn’t born with a one arm push up.

He wasn’t born with the successful-push up gene, and in reality most likely started where you are now:

with a first try, a fire, a goal to become stronger. 


Beast mode ON!


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  1. Great one. Thanks a ton !!
    Can you please give some more exercises and drills that will help in leading up to more strength for One-arm pushup?

    1. Hey Vivian,

      Great question, but more than these would be a waste of your time.

      Prior to the archer you’ll need to master the regular push up, once you have the required amount of strength for a regular push up with the required amount of repetitions, you can progress to the archers.

      Beast mode ON!

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