In today's post, we are going to show you exactly how to perfect your push up.

In fact:

These tips have been used by over 10,232 beginners.

Let's get going!



Chapter 1

What is a push up?

Chapter 2

The number 1 strength amplifyer

Chapter 3

How to execute the perfect push up?

Chapter 4

Push up routines for beginners

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Chapter 1: 

What is a push up?

Everybody knows what a push up is.

(Atleast that's what you would expect)

Unfortunately, most people -including you- are not doing a push up the way it should be done for maximum results.


Because it's not as simple as it seems. 

Let's find out what a push up is first. 

Push Up Definition

According to Wikipedia a push-up or press-up:

Fun fact: Did you know that the first documented push up record was 6,006 consecutive push ups by Charles Linster?

Why are they so effective?

According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning, push ups make you lift about 70% of your body mass.

And the primary muscle groups are:

Did you know the triceps muscles give the biggest amount of volume to your arms?

So push ups are a great tool to start developing your upper body.

You build strength.

And muscle mass.

(Which is great for beach photos).


Beginner Tip

Make sure you always combine push ups with chin ups.

That way you will balance out the front and the back of your upper body and prevent injuries down the road.

Before we go to the actual push up, let's discover how you can double your results with the number 1 strength amplifyer.

Chapter 2: 

The Number 1 Strength Amplifyer

In this chapter you'll learn what the number 1 change to your training is to increase your strength. 

(Including what it is, why it works and why it will ALWAYS be important.)

I'll also show you how you can use it to improve your gains from push ups.

Range Of Motion

According to the The Manual Of Orthopaedic Terminology, range of motion is:

In more simple terms, it's about making sure you do a full push up instead of a partial one.

For example bringing your chest and hips all the way to the floor.

About a millimeter above the floor so you keep tensing your arms.

Versus keeping your chest and hips far above the floor.

It's seems unimportant, but it can increase your time under tension significantly and the amount of strength work you are actually doing.

The same goes for pushing up.

You can come all the way up until you lock your elbows.

Or only come up half way.

Here is what you need to remember:

If you want to do a perfect push up...

Go all the way up until you lock your elbows.

And all the way down until your hips and chest are about 1 milimeter above the floor. 

So if you feel like you are ready to test your push up capacity.

This is a popular post for beginners.

And if you don't know where to train.

Check out these calisthenics parks.

It's probably the biggest database of workout spots on the planet. 

Beginner Tip

To do something right, you need to do it wrong first.

So don't let your need for perfection prevent you from starting in the first place. 

Go out there and do your work. 

Everything else will follow.

Chapter 3: 

How To Execute The Perfect Push Up

In this chapter you'll learn the final missing links to the perfect push up.

(Including why beginners have no clue what they are doing.)

And I'll also show you exactly how to execute a perfrect push up.

Want to stop wasting time on doing crappy push ups?

Keep reading.

Time Under Tension & Technique

Now that you know that range of motion is king.

Let's look at another key element.

Time under tension (TUT). 

A quick Google search shows:

And the benefits:

That sounds like something worth focusing on, right?

So let's create the perfect push up.

With the right:

  • Range of motion;
  • Time under tension
  • And finally...

Push Up Technique

First, you want to make sure you squeeze your glutes and get into a straight plank position.

So make sure you don't arch your lower back.

Then, completely lock out your elbows at the top.

In addition, make sure you place your hands at about or slightly beyond shoulder width for a regular push up.

This will target your chest and triceps.

Going more narrow is called a diamond push up. 

And going wider is called a wide push up.

Keep rotating your elbows against your ribcage/lower part of your chest as you go down.

And go up as FAST as you can.

Keep breathing.

Inhale when you go down.

And exhale when you push up.

Because if you hold your breath without proper training.

You'll end up with a red face. 

And less repetitions that you could potentially perform with more oxygen in your muscles.

It's a small detail. That makes a big difference.

And that's the PROVED METHOD to do a perfect push up.

Range of motion, time under tension, technique and breathing.

Pretty easy, right?

So, give these new push up of yours a go!

You'll discover a whole new world of strength.

And possibly sore muscles. 


Beginner Tip

To build muscle with push ups...

A simple 5 minute push up morning routine:

  • 6-12 repetitions / count to 3 on your way down and go up as fast as you can
  • do this for 3 cycles
  • rest for 60-90 sec after each cycle

Chapter 4: 

Push Up Routines

In this chapter you'll get some simple tips to blog posts that include push ups as a part of a routine.

(You don't have to re-invent the wheel.)

This website contains more than you can handle.

Let's jump right in!

The Beginner Routines

Calisthenics has been BLOWING UP in the past few years.

And for a good reason:

Working out your muscles with minimum equipment is easy and powerful.

For example, the following blog post was read by 100.000+ people from all around the world and contains tons of push up variations:

And if you are dreaming of bigger chest muscles:

Some beginners like more variety.

You have your push up.

You have your routines.

Now just rinse and repeat for as many days and years as you can handle.

Depending on how serious you are, results may take a few weeks or even months.

In fact, it takes most people a while to get solid results. 

But, as you know by now, it's totally worth it.

A quick reddit search will show you tons of life changing stories from beginners like you.

(Including lots of people who never expected to get any results.)


Calisthenics is an amazing way of training.

One that will not just help you build muscle and burn fat.

It will TRANSFORM who you are.

 Push Ups Are Awesome!

Because they are one of the easiest ways to build a stronger upper body.

Don't require any expensive equipment.

But you'll need to work them to perfection.

Use the right technique, full range of motion, time under tension and your breath. 

Go up and down with perfection. 

Because you are always one good repetition away from transformation.


*Fist Bump*

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