Today are going to learn the 3 most seductive reasons to do calisthenics every day.
(You will be surprised when you discover the truth.)
Specifically, you'll discover that calisthenics is more than just a workout.
Let's dive right in!
Calisthenics vs Weightlifting
Calisthenics is all about training with you OWN body weight.
Weight lifting is about training with EXTERNAL weight.
So calisthenics is everything you do with your body weight, for example walking:
But also running:
And even standing:
Fun fact: Did you know that astronauts need about 3 days of 'training' to even function properly when they return to earth?
Yes, if you walk around on planet earth you are constantly training your body.
By now you know that you are ALREADY doing calisthenics EVERY day, but the question is:
"How hard do you want to train?"
And it's not easy to answer, because it depends on:
- How long you have been training.
- What your goals are.
- How fast you recover.
- How much progress you are making now.
The best way to start?
3 days a week.
Doing something over a longer period of time consistently, ALWAYS beats doing something very hard for a short period of time.
Facebook sees 3.9 million check ins in January:
By the time February hits...
...there is a 10% decline in check ins (that's a staggering 390.000 visits).
This happens EVERY year.
Obviously, you don't want to make the same mistake.
Because the #1 factor for results is consistency.
Follow a training plan you can STICK to.
And if that means you can't do it every day... be it.
Beginner Tip
Start with training 3 days a week max.
Monitor your progress and manage your soreness.
If you wake up fresh and energetic, build up the intensity.
Focus on a 6-12 month period, instead of 1 month or 1 week.
Let's discover 3 major reasons for why you should do intense calisthenics training at least a few times a week.
Benefit 1 - Physical Freedom
Here is where you discover that you can train calisthenics EVERYWHERE.
For example, let's say you are short on time.
Well, you could ask yourself: "What equipment do I have?"
Some tools might come to mind like:
- Dumbbells
- Squat stations
- Elastic bands
Or you might have discovered that your body is your biggest tool.
In that case, first head over to, the 14 fast beginner routines:
That will provide you with tons of inspiration:

Then look at your intensity:

And perhaps it's a sunny day, so you take a look at the calisthenics parks in your area:

You can train at any place, at any time.
Pretty cool, right!
Beginner Tip
Search for 3 calisthenics parks in your area.
Set 3 dates in your agenda for when you are going to visit a park.
Check out the spot and see which one has the best people.
Train where you find other motivated individuals.
Benefit 2 - Functional Strength
Another cool reason to train calisthenics every day is because it develops 'functional strength'.
Here is why:
You are using movements that you ACTUALLY do in daily life.
For example let's say you want to play basketball, go for a swim or play soccer.
Well, you'd want to have some prior training of those movements.
Like the ones you can receive in the warm up post:
If you scroll to the bottom of the post, you'll find the 3 major compound movements that you need for most sports.
These are PROVEN exercises... you don't have to guess whether or not they work.
Add a good diet to your calisthenics workout plans and you'll develop both strength, endurance and muscle mass:
All good things take time...
...and you'll have a body that can actually do stuff.
Because that's exactly what you are ALREADY training.
So go out there and DO what you LOVE.
Run, jump, sprint, climb and play.
Beginner Tip
Focus on what you can do and not just on how you look.
Your looks will develop as a result of what you can do.
First start with function.
Benefit 3 - Social Connection & Motivation
Nothing BEATS training with a group of MOTIVATED friends.
According to the British Medical Journey, people who want to improve their physical fitness and are supported socially are likely to train more consistently and have healthier behaviours.
More, being related to people and connection is a key factor for general life motivation.
As illustrated below:

That's motivation beyond just training... having supportive people and connecting to people will not only motivate you to train better.
It will motivate you to become more than you think you can become.
That's what calisthenics is all about in the end.
Finding the right people and becoming your best self!
Beginner Tip
Make a list of 3 positive people you would like to train with.
You will be able to motivate each other.
And hold each other accountable.
Why You Should Do Calisthenics Every Day
You know the answer now.
You are already doing it every day. Ever since birth.
That's why you can walk. Jump. Run.
You ALREADY are a calisthenics master.
...your body will ALWAYS be your biggest tool
You just need to find the right plan and be open to the right people to make consistent progress.
Start where you are.
NOTHING is holding you back anymore.
*Fist Bump*
Now I’d like to hear from you:
Did you like this post? Did it change how you approach your training?
Or maybe you have a question.
Either way, make sure you get your download and leave a quick comment below right now.
I am hooked from what I have seen so far how do I start
Hey Stuart,
That’s great to hear.
First download the e-book, it has some essentials.
Second check out these posts:
This should give you enough to workout and work on yourself.
Beast Mode On!
i have been changing my life since the 25th october 2019. working out and taking control of my life. i am 5ft 6″ appox 170cm started at 94.5kg and am down to 72kg with a BMI of over 38. i have started calestenics over the last 3 weeks and was 49 on the 29th of may. calestenics is proving to be enjoyable and challenging. i have built a garden setup and would like to thank you for your advise and guidance.
all the best
from Colin
Hey Colin,
What an amazing story! It means the world to receive such a message, really. It’s the reason why this website exists. Keep up the good work my friend.
Looking forward to seeing you progress more and hope you can inspire the people around you to do the same.
*Fist bump*
my 10 year old friend is a personal trainer and he told me about cali workouts he is a bar fanatic he now trains me with the bars 6 months on and 5 stone lighter (30KG) i eat clean and train hard!
It all started here as this was the first bar bro’s site i came across and i vigorously watched Dusan and Lazar’s vids over and over real inspiration you helped me make a change in my life and a positive one keep doing what your doing even if you only inspire one other person in the next year trust me! you changed their life forever.
My next goal is to hit beast mode in 6 months!
One love to all of you bar bro’s wherever you are keep it healthy and clean and fit with the organic movements!
by 10 year old I mean I have known him 10 years!
I love calisthenics.
However whenever someone tries to compare them to weight lifting, they talk about isolation exercises and how they don’t build strength.
First of all, weight lifting isn’t just done by body builders. An example of professionals who train for strength with weights are powerlifters. Do you think those Olympic lifters do the lifts they do through doing bicep curls (an example of an isolation exercise) or through doing bodyweight squats? No, they don’t. They practice those same compound movements they do in the Olympic lifting.
If you go to the most know bodybuilding website, i.e., do you know what routines they recommend to beginners? Those that have the compound movements, such as squats, deadlifts and presses. You bet they teach transferrable strength.
Also your claim that a beginner calisthenics person can do muscle ups or handstands tells me you forgot what being a beginner is like.
One way to help develop grip strength for someone attempting pull ups is by using weights, doing things such as dumbbell rows and deadlifts.
My point is basically that there is a place for everything, and clinging to one very narrow aspect of what you perceive to be the competition, is a very poor way to sell something. Calisthenics and weights are not exclusive.
Hey Eb,
Great comment! Definitely all about the dosages and the context, I agree with you that this article has a strong black-white-perspective although ultimately it’s a more complex subject. This is a choice that was made to convey a certain point, but for those capable of digesting more complex answers, your comment is a great addition to the post. Thanks for taking the time, you are awesome!
*Fist bump*
I love the perspective given here… I started calisthenics training 4 months ago purposely on my own so I can feel what it is to hold something true to yourself in a world full of bs… I started with this same mentality…. no equipment no excuses….out in the cold doing cardio… I recently enrolled in a gym but I still refuse to use any other equipment besides my own body, the treadmill would be the only machine I would use…. at first I was doing it mainly for the body but then I stopped doing it for that reason because it will discourage you and will cause you to neglect other important things as well… once I linked a nice diet with a nice calisthenics regime I wake up feeling amazing all throughout my day and I feel stronger than ever before even more stronger then when I used to weightlifting before… so for the folks who haven’t got started yet and have no issues with their body that’s preventing them from expressing their life force i urge you to listen to what this guy wrote here and i also recommend to put knowledge before pride all the way because at the end of the day it’s all about improving the quality of your life not just your body…. peace
Hey Will,
Definitely agree with you on many points.
Happy to read that this perspective has helped you re-connect with your body.
Keep up the good work my friend.
*Fist bump*
Hey, Rich.
I’m still here, almost a year later. Still working with calesthenics everyday except Sunday. Next month will be a year doing calesthenics and enjoying every minute of it.
Now I’m able to do more than just pick up stuff for my kids from under the car.
I have incorporated elastic bands into my work out. Do you have any tips for those? Are they helpful or not?
Hey Roberto,
That’s great first of all! Good work from your side.
Haha, lovely to read how it has translated to your life, it’s really about that part eventually ;).
It really depends on what you use them for. Definitely not for pull ups, chin ups or muscle ups, because they help you in the wrong part of the move.
Keep enjoying your training and time with your kids!
*Fist bump*
Great motivation!
Hey Math,
Happy to read it ignited something inside of you.
Keep up the good work!
*Fist bump*
This was vey encouraging! My brother and I are so excited to do it and will hopefully be starting this coming week! We will definitely contact y’all when we have questions. Thank you again for the encouragement!
Hey Abigail,
Wauw, that’s amazing to read!
You are more than welcome, if you have any roadblocks feel free to scan the blogs on this website.
Keep up the good work and enjoy your training!
*Fist bump*
I’d love to read about your experience with Ido Portal Coaching. Would be great to read some tips about training programming
by the way, nice post!
Hey Bart,
You can find more information here:
*Fist bump*
Calisthenic is one of the best exercise for the overall development of the human body. Calisthenic can be easily practiced by any gender without any specific age bar. But Yes an infant may not be able to practice it. I myself practice calisthenic and this has helped me alot.