How often do you feel like not training?

How often do you roll your eyes and decide that you’ll do it tomorrow?

Or even completely decide to not do it any more at all?


If you are choosing the long road to real results you will have many of those days.

It’s not surprising.

Because you aren’t choosing the path of least resistance, you are choosing the path of most resistance.

How can you overcome it?

In this post, I will share a simple word to break through resistance and to re-write who you will become. 




The Things You Have To Do For Results


You have to train.

You have eat your veggies and fruits.

You have to eat adequate amounts of protein.

You have to say no to snacks and treats.

You have to track your calories.

You have to sleep early.

You have to take the right supplements.

You have to think about your training journal.

You have to surround yourself with the right people.


All these have-to’s leave you with your hands in your hair.

But it does not have to be that way.

You can change the entire pressure you feel due to all those habits, by changing 1 simple word.

Replace ‘have’ to, with ‘get’ to. 




The Things You Get To Do To For Results


You get to train.

You get to eat your veggies and fruits.

You get to eat adequate amounts of protein.

You get to say no to snacks and treats.

You get to track your calories.

You get to sleep early.

You get to take the right supplements.

You get to think about your training journal.

You get to surround yourself with the right people.


Here is what you need to remember:

You start every single day with a blank page.

And the words you write down on that page determine how much resistance you will experience.


By changing your have-to’s into get-to’s you change how you perceive your actions and make it easier to overcome resistance. 

Instead of considering your training a ‘task or obligation’, consider it a ‘gift or opportunity’. 

If you re-write the words you use, you re-write who you are going to become.





Use The Right Words


It was a cold evening and I told one of my friends: “I have to do a muscle up, because I don’t want to be weak any more.”

He looked me in the eyes with a smile.

And said:

“You don’t ‘have’ to do one, you ‘get’ to do one.

And the reason why you cannot get it yet, is not because you are weak.

It is because you haven’t practiced enough.”


*Fist bump*


Now I’d like to hear from you:

Did you like this post?

Or maybe you have a question.

Either way, leave a quick comment below right now.




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  1. Great post ! I think a lot of people just can’t understand how much influence the way they think has on every aspect of their life.When I am tired I say to myself :,, Just do one set !Practice to get what you want!One is better than none!”.And I do the warm up and end up doing 2 maybe 3 sets, probably not the best ones I could , but at the end I am proud that I overcome an obstacle.

  2. Mindset is the biggest. It’s has not hard to exercise, it’s just hard to get started. Using the the right words makes a huge difference. ‘I get to’, ‘I want to’, and ‘this is good’ are lines that use regularly when I’m not feeling up to it.

  3. Totally agree with this. Our thoughts lead or actions. I think it was Margaret Thatcher who said:
    “Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become…habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny! What we think we become.”

  4. This. Is going to change everything…
    Thanks for the awesome post!! Going to use this on the daily, not just for working out.

    *Fist Bump

  5. Thanks for the help and motivation! It gives me strength in many ways! You guys have changed me so much I can’t thank you enough!! I’m homeless right now living in my car and it’s winter here minus 13 and I’m still giving it my all to train daily, why? Because I GET TO train! I want to train and I love to train!!! On a positive note besides training you guys taught me never to give up, well I didn’t and there is good things to come! I have a job interview Monday morning! I can’t wait! By Christmas I might not be living out of my car any more! Can’t wait! Thanks again gents for all the help

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