You know you can't deny it... You dream of doing handstands, planches and elbow levers. In fact, the thought of doing all that stuff is what motivates you to keep training, day in day out. After all, those are the moves that will bring you to the realm of mastery.   The reality is different, simply standing on your hands for 10 seconds seems impossible. Let alone doing a full planche or an elbow lever and even doing push ups hurts your wrists like hell. Wrist injuries are always around the next corner, waiting like a sniper, ready to shoot into your wrist. So how do you master those moves and at the same time dodge those injuries?   One way to do it is by trial-and-error, hoping that some day you will finally have the strength you need and getting injured because really have no idea what you are doing. Good luck with that. A smarter way is to look at what you can do to increase your strength and prevent injuries while training all those moves. Becoming even better than the people who are doing it right now. If you want to discover what you can do to both become bulletproof and at the same time develop the strength for more advanced moves, you need to look no further.    

The Full Dynamic Wrist Exercise Routine

  These specific wrist exercises can be done in addition to your regular training program, especially if you are experiencing wrist issues. While these exercises might hurt at first, it's this small amount of controlled pain which will eventually prevent bigger amounts of pain. In addition to this, these are definitely useful to add to your regular warming up routine if you are focusing on hand balancing exercises or more advanced pushing work. It will make all the difference in the world.   Note: All these exercises should be started on the knees first. As you progress you can move on to a full push up position. With these exercises it is very important to start with some light stretching as shown in the warming up guide. The benefits are huge, but don't rush it and start off on a softer surface.     

Fin Push Up

  Main goal: Wrist strength and flexibility   1) Start on your knees. 2) Move the palm of your hands inward and turn your wrists outwards. 3) Slowly get into a slightly wider than shoulder width push up position and do a regular push up. 4) Experiment with placing your wrists in different positions. 5) Repeat for 5 reps of 5 sets.    

First Knuckle Push Ups

  Main goal: Wrist strength   1) Start on your knees. 2) Place your hands flat on the floor. 3) Push yourself up from the first knuckles. 4) Keep your elbows locked. 5) Repeat for 5 reps of 5 sets.    

Side Wrist Push Ups

  Main goal: Wrist strength and flexibility 1) Start on your knees 2) Make two fists with your hands. 3) Flatten your hands by turning your wrist upwards. 4) Keep your arms straight while you push yourself up from the wrist. 5) Repeat for 5 reps of 5 sets.    

The Wrist Roll

  Main goal: Wrist strength and flexibility   1) Start on your knees. 2) Make two fists with your hands. 3) Move your body weight to the front and at the same time roll your wrists to the ground. 4) Slightly bend your arms and bring the wrists back until your pinky is flat on the ground. 5) Repeat for 5 sets of 5 repetitions.    

Finger Walk

  Main goal: Finger strength and grip strength   1) Start on your knees. 2) Spread your fingers and point them down. 3) Walk on your fingers by slowly shifting your weight from your left side to your right side. 4) Repeat for 5 sets of 10 repetitions.   If you do these wrist exercises on a consistent basis, the trade-offs will be huge. At the same time, if done incorrectly you can completely nullify all the benefits. Keep this in mind while doing these exercises and you will end up doing stuff with your wrist that would break other people's wrist by only looking at it.    

Bulletproof Your Wrists And Increase Your Strength

  Balancing, inversions and any type of pushing exercise requires strong wrists, and we've only scratched the surface. But now you should know enough to check whether your wrists have any strength and how much room there is for improvement. So ask yourself, am I really ready for those moves? Are my wrist joints strong enough?   Is it important to show people all those fancy moves once and end up injured for 7 days? Or is it more useful to first prepare your wrists for anything that might occur? Now you're equipped with the knowledge you need, weak wrists will become a thing of the past. It's something most people won't even pay 1 minute of attention to and then end up complaining about wrist pain.   Bulletproof wrists are not out of your reach. And the next time a wrist injury shoots at you. You dodge it.   Beast mode ON!   PS. These drills have been inspired by Rafe Kelley, Steven Low, Christopher Sommer and Ido Portal    

Bar Brothers Groningen

Calisthenics for beginners.

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